

以下是关于皇冠体育app大学和我们的录取程序的常见问题的答案. 如果您有其他问题,请随时与我们联系 admissions@zgjxmp.net or (212) 933-6515.



  1. 点击主招生页面上的“现在申请”按钮.
  2. 选择蓝色的“创建帐户”链接创建用户名和密码.
  3. 输入基本信息后,选择“创建帐户”按钮.

Note that your email address will be highlighted in red if our system recognizes you during the account creation process. 如果出现这种情况,请点击“忘记登录”?" This will prompt you to enter your email address to receive an automatic reply with your username and password, which will allow you to complete the online application and monitor your daughter's progress through the admissions process.


  1. 点击主招生页面上的“现在申请”按钮.
  2. 在提示时输入皇冠体育app网站的用户名和密码.


在2023-2024招生周期, II-IV班的申请者需要提交ISEE初级II-IV成绩. V-XI班的申请者需要提交SSAT或ISEE成绩. Scores are valid from April 1 of the prior school year; i.e.在2023-2024学年,所有考试必须在2023年4月1日之后进行. 确保皇冠体育app收到正式的成绩报告, 皇冠体育app的ISEE学校代码是333860和SSAT代码是5340. 欢迎学生提交多份成绩报告.


入学申请截止日期为2023年12月1日. 所有相关申请材料截止日期为2024年1月4日.

看看申请流程—— 幼儿园, 课上我, 类II-IV, 中学, 上学校.


我们正在接受2024-2025学年幼儿园X班的申请. Candidates interested in applying for Class XI should contact the 招生 office before submitting an application.


申请2024-2025学年的学生必须在9月1日前满5岁, 2024年(无例外).


除了幼儿园,其他年级没有严格的生日限制, but we do assess the child in relation to how she will fit into each unique class and the student make-up.


皇冠体育app致力于成为一所女子学校, we also believe that t在这里 are many ways to be a girl and many ways that girls may change over their time with us. We feel strongly that the strength of our community lies in the diversity of our student body, 教职员工和校友们. As our founders were committed to being forward 认为ing and flexible about what being a girl is and can be in the course of her time with us and beyond, so should our current community embrace the myriad ways that our students grow and develop during their time 在这里. Our goal is ultimately to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all Nightingale students so that they can develop academically and socially.

没有一个学生是一样的, 作为教育者,我们的大多数决定都会考虑到个人情况. 因此,这符合我们的最大利益,也符合我们所服务的人的最大利益, 创建一套指导方针,而不是严格的政策, which will inform our conversations with any trans or gender non-conforming students and their families.



记住,每个皇冠体育app学生的持续健康和健康是至关重要的, the school will happily engage in conversations with current students who identify as male or as ‘gender non-conforming’ to make sure Nightingale continues to be the right school for that student and discuss how both the student’s family and the school can work together to support what is best for that student.


No. 请不要寄个人支持信. 有关所需教师推荐的信息可在申请步骤页面中找到: 幼儿园, 课上我, 类II-IV, 中学, 上学校


No. 参加招生活动不是必须的,但强烈鼓励. We 认为 they are one of the best avenues for genuinely getting to know our academic programming and our community.


We offer many admissions events each year at which you will meet current parents and be able to ask questions in an informal setting. 请查看我们网站的活动部分.



皇冠app安卓下载安装的种群有多多样化? 教职员工?

皇冠体育app积极寻求一个种族和社会经济多样化的学生团体. 超过30%的学生是有色人种. 目前,我们有44名有色人种教职员工(28名).占总数的8%).


No. 虽然有很多女孩住在这个地区, 学生们来自城市的各个地方, 包括所有的行政区, 新泽西, 康涅狄格, 和威彻斯特县. 我们也有国际学生.


The New York City Board of Education provides free bus transportation (in Manhattan only) to and from school for students in grades K–6, 取决于学生住的地方离皇冠体育app有多远. 最常, the New York City Board of Education’s Office of Pupil Transportation is able to assign a bus stop for each student, 但并非总是如此. 虽然这项服务不会去接你的女儿, 指定的站点通常在离学生家几个街区的范围内. 家长或监护人必须在下午的返程途中与巴士见面. Families who live more than one-half mile from school but do not wish to utilize the Board of Education’s bus service may apply for a student Metrocard. 符合条件的7-12年级学生将获得一张学生地铁卡.

私人汽车, 与社区学校共享, 从曼哈顿市中心, 布鲁克林, 皇后区, 和布朗克斯也有. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 schoolbus@zgjxmp.net.


是的,通过 木马我们延长了一天的课程.

木马在周一至周五下午3:15-5:00提供一系列课后工作坊.m. 低年级学生,K-IV班. 周一至周四下午5:00-6:00也可以提供额外的护理.m. 在思想库(见下文). Families who receive financial assistance towards tuition will be given proportionate financial assistance for 木马. 今年秋季的课程样本包括:Creative Cooks, 书法, 国际象棋, 电影工作室, 机器人制作, 低年级奥尔夫乐团, 和瑜伽.

另外,欢迎四至八年级的学生加入中学思维班. 思想库是学生的地方, 类IV-VIII, 研究, 认为, 从下午3:20-6:00开始玩.m. 星期一至星期五. Thinkery provides homework help and supervises (and participates in) analog play and socialization for the Thinkers that join us every day. 这项服务是免费的.

Thinkery aims to be a space for students to make connections with their learning and each other, 学生们也将在哪里找到他们需要的支持,以成为最投入的人, 勇敢的, 他们也可以是好奇的学习者和思考者.

Thinkery offers academic support in specific subjects in a lab-like setting by faculty on a weekly basis and one-on-one support through our peer-tutoring program. 除了, Thinkery will be piloting two new enrichment programs that will occur on a monthly basis: Thinkery Talks, which will be 15- to 20-minute talks by community members and guest speakers sharing something "cool" about what they do followed by student Q&A, 和思维亲和性讨论, w在这里 students will have the opportunity to engage in discussions led by community members celebrating various aspects of their shared identities.



Athletic teams begin in Class V and are considered no-cut for Classes V-VIII to encourage participation by every student. 校队和合资运动在九年级开始,包括竞争性选拔. 有关皇冠体育app竞技的更多信息,请访问 体育运动 页面.


是的. The Schoolhouse is in full compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and is fully accessible, 除了舞台和屋顶.


皇冠体育app-班福德学校 is located at 东92街20号reet, between Fifth and Madison Avenues. 看到 在这里 查询路线及详情.


平均, 我们的师生比例是6:1, 我们的平均班级规模大约是12名学生. 在低年级,阅读和数学组平均每个老师有5到6个学生.


西班牙语从幼儿园开始教,一直持续到三年级. 低年级学生将花一部分时间学习和用西班牙语交谈, 让他们为全球参与的生活做好准备. 在四班, 除了西班牙语, 学生将分别学习三个月的法语和普通话, 学生选择一门语言在中学继续学习. A special emphasis is placed on culture and making modern language study part of a student’s overall learning experience. 六年级开设拉丁语,高年级开设希腊语.


Our college list includes the finest institutions of learning in the United States and abroad, 这份名单的多样性反映了我们毕业生的个人激情和兴趣. 点击这里 查看学生过去五年就读的学校名单.


如果你的学生目前在学校住宿, we encourage families to share as much information as possible during the application process. Your child will not be placed at a disadvantage in the admissions process for disclosure of this information. 而, it is important for us to know how we can best support your student if your family decides to enroll at Nightingale. 如果你的学生在皇冠体育app大学注册, 请知道学校有自己的协议和程序给予住宿, students who have been granted specific accommodations at their previous schools may not receive exactly the same accommodations at Nightingale. Families will consult with Nightingale's Learning 资源 Department prior to the start of the school year to determine the best course of action for all new students.

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